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Blog #1: Manifesting through Meditation

This is a personal reflection of a meditation that manifested an increased awareness about society, human action, and the conscious mind.

Meditating to Heights Unknown

Meditation has not always been a strong practice for the Western world, or myself in all honesty, but it is gaining traction and for good reason.

As a form of having personal experiences inside the mind, meditation has helped me understand what many in the Western world choose to either ignore or pass by due to a busy schedule or indifference through preconceptions of beliefs (this may likely be all of us).

A human's subconscious mind & feelings can end up dictating our conscious thoughts, about ourselves and each other. This is a disregarded fact about the human condition that we so rarely pay attention to.

If a being is not satiated or satisfied with their doings in life, the actions manifested by said-being are those internal discrepancies which are reflected externally, taking root under the guise of being our 'character', or inherent personalities.

The rejection of what we truly wish to embody (in-body) in essence becomes caged, leaving a perpetual hunger to live the life truthfully to our Self but compensating from lack of the hidden yet obvious yearnings.

Straight Sadness

Westerners in the United States have been under a great social and economic stress, and it has lead to the subconscious, yet conscious, activities most of us find ourselves in.

This stress I refer to as "The Great Numbing": processed carcinogenic foods, toxic chemical exposure, crude oils and fuels in our air, media gas-lighting, corrupt politics, chained government, disease epidemics, pharmaceutical dependency... The biocultural problems go on & on. Our bodies have become numbed from heart-space experiences, and populations are treated like cogs in a massive wheel of consumerism that persists as long as it keeps pumping out finite toys for us to play with while our minds crumble under debt & duress!

Awesome Toon by Polyp, all rights to him. Check out his work!

It was the infinite amount of personal experience that was to be had within myself that led me back into meditation as a practice. I realized that all the unsettling things about myself were not to be clarified or discovered through conversations at bars, or dancing at concerts, or drinking playing 'pong' at parties, it was something more personal and less public...

... The conversation I wanted was still on hold right inside of myself, waiting to be discussed between the TRUE Self & the SHADOW Self. In the philosophical study of epistemology & metaphysics these are the two states of one's Self: the 'id' & the 'ego'. A whole other blog is needed to fully 'over'stand the differences about the two states... But here is a simplistic reflection of those emulations>>

To be who I wanted to be though, I had to ask ME the questions that I could not put into words or complex, reflective sentences. Only emotional thought painted the pictures of the issues and the causes to give me visual understanding of what I needed to 'over'stand...

This beneficial discussion between the natural duality of myself was something that I profoundly learned from. My wish through this reflection is that others will find meditation worthwhile & make time for it also.

It is a practice and a discipline of patience and listening, both being great qualities that serve the conscious mind well in the current reality of our world.

I left my mat feeling much more whole than I had been in a long time. I want more Westerners to feel this too, as a much needed pause from the global civilization is in order.

The practice guided me as an artist to different planes of conceptual theory about what is important. The more I fought against what I detested about my ways and the ways of the world I discovered something, a phrase, or mantra of sorts, & it allowed me to surrender my Ego and assumptions about our human condition.

Like a drum the words kept vibrating through my thought-patterns:

"It will advance... When you advance..."

I left the meditation with this script etched into my mind. It made me aware of something:

Actions, activities, and lifestyles taken for self-enhancements are not things to set you apart from the rest, to feel separated by a "holier than thou" feeling of totem stature that we have overcome what most cannot (although yoga, organic plant-based eating, and meditation do feel wonderful)...

Actions toward self improvement are to be utilized to make a person emulate who they truly are, & what they truly want out of their life. The activities are meant to make someone a better one to the rest of the whole, who need an inspiration, an aspiration, to pursue so as to better their fulfillment also. So many get bogged down in preconceived thoughts about themselves that they ignore their potential.

I always leave meditation feeling more fulfilled with insights and enlightened to what I want out of my life journey. Just start with 10-20 minutes morning or evening, it will make all the difference to your health.

Below is something I felt called to create for people wondering whether they are worth it.

Step into your Power

I'm here to tell you that you are & that it all falls into place when you decide to take care of well-being before anything else; enhancement through self-advancement. Advance the world through the Advance of your Self, the change you can control is the change that will be reflected into reality.

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